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sE Electronics RNT

sE Electronics RNT

Regular price $4,379.00 SGD
Regular price $5,008.00 SGD Sale price $4,379.00 SGD
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Delivers the pristine, musical sonic character and uncompromising performance of the world's most prized recording equipment.

Much like the RNRI Active Ribbon and RN17 Small-Diaphragm Condenser, the RNT is something truly special, developed over several years of careful listening and measurement by Mr. Rupert Neve, Mr. Siwei Zou, and the engineering teams from both Rupert Neve Designs and sE Electronics.

All in all, this new flagship tube microphone brings the larger-than-life sounds of classic studio microphones into the modern age with greater depth and clarity than ever before.

The first stage is tube-based, with a hand-selected, low-noise ECC82 tube within the microphone chassis, and implementing a custom-built Rupert Neve Designs output transformer.

The Class-A electronics and switchable gain ensure a massive dynamic range, with high sound pressure level (SPL) handling capability and extremely low-noise components, and the switchable low-cut filters eliminate rumble or footfall noise, and can also compensate for an excess of bass frequencies caused by the proximity effect.

This enables the RNT to close-mic many instruments including electric guitar speaker cabinets, brass instruments and drums.

  • The finest and most complex capsule sE has ever built

  • Hand-crafted and individually tuned in our very own factory

  • Refined electrode design delivers supremely natural sound quality

  • Precisely-tuned dual-diaphragm capsule design allows you to choose the perfect setting for every application

  • Minimize unwanted signal bleed with ease

  • Each microphone-grade tube is carefully selected and pretested in-house

  • Allows for stunning realism and depth in recordings

  • Unique tube circuit design optimized for driving the first custom-made transformer

  • Designed for sweet, musical performance and bulletproof isolation

  • Provides the legendary sonic character of Rupert Neve's famous transformers

 Stock Available in within 1-2 weeks time upon order.

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